Friday, December 29, 2017

Baby Hyenas

I don't think I really did credit to the baby hyenas in the last post. Hyenas get such a bad rap in the movies and popular culture (think of The Lion King) but I'm here to say they are very cool animals. Every morning I feed them two bottles of milk each. Noon they get another two. And at 5:00 they get one bottle and some big pieces of meat. Here's me doing the noon feeding.

You can see they're small because they're just pups. When they're fully grown, they'll be about twice as big. They make all kinds of funny sounds when they drink. They get soooo excited when they see me coming.

As they drink, they look directly into my eyes. What cute faces!

One of my favorite things about them is their striped legs. They look like they're wearing striped socks. What an odd combination of parts, but it all comes together in a weird wonderful way.

Well, I hope I've cleared up any misunderstandings of hyenas personalities. They're cute, personable, and strangely beautiful. I'm so privileged to spend time with them each day.

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